Last afternoon, i spotted 9 hawks flying a giant figure "8" above the cedars trees. A good omen? One can hope.
I don't write poetry, but it's nice to see it.
The chronicles of Hawaii transplants in Oregon. This is my blog- the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the mokes. Howzit!
Last afternoon, i spotted 9 hawks flying a giant figure "8" above the cedars trees. A good omen? One can hope.
I don't write poetry, but it's nice to see it.
i have a soft spot for things that deal with Astronomy or Cosmology. Please note that Hawaii is at 21 degrees N Lat. while Yamhill is at 45 deg N Lat. Needless to say i was surprised the first time i tried to get my bearings at night. Finding Ursa Major was a challenge. Yes, smart guys. i know where North is... that many degrees of arc is significant, it sends the message that i'm not in Kansas anymore...and by Kansas I mean Mililani or Ewa Beach.
The Pros? light pollution out here is non-existent. You really can see the milky way quite easily. The cons? Southern stars that an 808 state person would expect aren't there. We won't even discuss the temperatures.
Messier objects? Yes. Jacket? Yes. Coyotes? Yes.
Sky full of stars ?