Thursday, December 31, 2009

Snowpocalypse 2009

It snowed. More than anyone was expecting. Now, on the verge of 2010, snow still lies on the ground. i'm thinking it'll stick around for the beginning of the year.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

Thanks to our Oregonian neighbors and friends who have "Hanai-ed" those of us from FOB:YF. Even with no gift exchange this year, Christmas was still Christmas. No snow though, i'm waiting...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snow, and the Lack Thereof...

As you can tell by the title of this post, i am perplexed by the lack of icy cold goodness falling out of the sky. While we have seen our few days of single digit temperatures, snow is ever elusive.
The forecast for the Christmas weekend is partly sunny. Partly sunny. Did i mention partly sunny?

It is now time for all of us on the Internet to collectively channel Bing Crosby and the Irving Berlin song.

i'll wait...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Deluge

i was about to write about the single digit temperatures here at FOB:YF, but it was just too cold. Imagine, if you will, constantly thinking about keeping warm or maintaining warmth, or something do with warm, warmth, heat and/or hot. Sort of like that. Oddly enough, no snow. Color me surprised. Cheated perhaps?

Winter is just getting started, let's see.

Surprise! Now it's raining. Where is the leak in the barn? Why are the impact resistant insulators suddenly not impact resistant any longer? Why ? Why Why?

Suddenly, the venting stopped... and the blog post was concluded.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Not Warm...

The exterior thermometer read 24 Degrees F as i headed out for chores phase 1.
It's very dark at 6 am. The flashlight beam lights up the ice crystals that cover the grass, dog feet crunching on top of them. The scene, with clouds of exhaled C02 in the air, strikes me a something out of the "X Files"- only we're on a farm, there are no UFOs and no FBI agents. Otherwise, it is exactly the same.

Funny how quickly one loses feeling in their hands at that temperature.