Monday, March 3, 2008

Just so you have an idea.

You may have met me. To give you an idea of the level of homesickness I am feeling at the moment:

I could consider eating a Spam Musubi*

There, I said it. Am I proud? No. Ashamed? No. Confused? Answer cloudy, try again..

Maybe I should stop watching travel shows about Hawaii for a little bit.. maybe i should learn to absorb the culture and sights of my new adopted home. Could someone send a packet of hurricane mix and a box of kleenex? A menu from Shiros and an ewa beach snowglobe?

* I have not eaten, nor have i procured the materials to construct, a spam musubi *

I will say three things about this particular travel show.

Best. Episode. Ever.

Aloha and goodnight.

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